- The Mecha Hack - Mission Manual
- The Mending Circle
- The Mind
- The Mirroring of Mary King
- The Mystery Business
- The Old King's Crown
- The One Ring Roleplaying Game
- The One Ring: Second Edition
- The Pirate Republic
- The Price of Coal
- The Princess Bride Adventure Book Game
- The Quacks of Quedlinburg
- The Queen's Dilemma
- The Queen's Gambit: The Board Game
- The Real Thing
- The Resistance
- The Revenant Society
- The Rocketeer: Fate of the World
- The Royal Game of Ur
- The Search for Planet X
- The Session Zero System
- The Shape of Shadows
- The Shining: Escape from the Overlook Hotel
- The Siege of Runedar
- The Slow Knife
- The Snallygaster Situation: Kids on Bikes Board Game
- The Snow Queen
- The Spill
- The Spy Game
- The Sticker Game
- The Stifling Dark
- The Stuff of Legend
- The Taverns of Tiefenthal
- The Tears of a Machine SC
- The Terminator RPG
- The Terminator RPG: T2 Judgment Day
- The Thing: Infection at Outpost 31
- The Thing: The Board Game
- The Three Little Wolves
- The Troubleshooters
- The Umbrella Academy
- The Wagadu Chronicles
- The Walking Dead Universe Roleplaying Game
- The Walking Dead: All Out War
- The Walking Dead: Surrounded
- The Walking Dead: The Dice Game
- The Weaver's Observatory
- The Well Roleplaying Game
- The White Castle
- The Witcher TRPG
- The Witcher: Adventure Game
- The Witcher: Old World
- The Witcher: Path of Destiny
- The Witcher: Unmatched - Steel and Silver
- The Wizard of Oz Adventure Book Game
- The Wizard's Grimoire
- The Wizards and the Wastes
- The Wolves
- The Wretched
- The Yawning Portal
- The Zone
- There is a Light at the End of the World
- There Will be Ghosts
- They Live: Assault on Cable 54
- Thirsty Sword Lesbians
- Thirty Foes
- This War of Mine: The Board Game
- Thorgal: The Board Game
- Those Dark Places
- Those Wretched Kids
- Thousand Year Old Vampire
- Three Sisters
- Three-Dragon Ante: Legendary Edition
- Through the Hedgerow
- Throw Throw Avocado
- Thunder Road: Vendetta
- Thunderstone Quest
- Thunderstone Quest: The Enemies Among Us
- Ticket to Ride
- Ticket to Ride Legacy: Legends of the West
- Ticket to Ride: Amsterdam
- Ticket to Ride: Europe
- Ticket to Ride: Ghost Train
- Ticket to Ride: London
- Ticket to Ride: New York
- Ticket to Ride: San Francisco
- Ticket to Ride: Track Switcher
- Tidal Blades 2: Rise of the Unfolders
- Tidal Blades RPG
- Tidal Blades: Banner Festival
- Tigris & Euphrates
- Till the Last Gasp
- TIME Stories
- TIME Stories Revolution
- TIME Stories Revolution: A Midsummer Night
- Time Tails
- Tinners' Trail (2021)
- Tiny Epic Crimes
- Tiny Epic Dungeons
- Tiny Epic Galaxies Blast Off!